13U Yeakle

  • Travis Yeakle – Head Coach
Player Name#
Avery Girton0PR/R2028Lawrence North
Asher Cieply1CR/R2028Hamilton SE
Harrison Hilgefort2CR/R2028Cathedral
Maddox Franklin6CFR/R2028Cathedral
Cooper Cunningham72BR/R2028Pendleton Heights
Jake Lannen9PR/R2028Fishers
Zachary Dowd10INFR/R2028Fishers
Jake Doll13SSR/R2028Hamilton SE
Keagan Mayo16SSR/R2028Mt Vernon
Elliot Heltz19OFR/R2028Fishers
Micah Brooks222BR/R2028Yorktown
Ethan Toussing272BR/R2028Bishop Chatard
Caleb Toussing50CR/R2028Bishop Chatard

Indy Sharks 15U Lannen

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